søndag 1. desember 2019

Title: Pregnant Elves scissoring.

I am not joking, this was the first thought that popped into my head
when seeing – in dim light – some of the Christmas decorations
being put in the bathroom. I can, however, reassure you that
the actual decoration is not this at all, but I thought it would
be a funny image none the less.

I’ve also been looking over some of the old RTS games,
the very first ones like Tiberian Sun and Red Alert.
I genuinely found myself missing them, even as they are
pushing 20 years now.
Shows how a good game can make lasting impact.

Oh, and it’s been snowing and dropping below zero degrees outside.
Winter hast cometh at last.

tirsdag 22. oktober 2019

Simple pleasures.

I had forgotten the scent of freshly lit candles. Or a single one, even. The match stroked, the traces of smoke and natural chemical reaction, the lingering warmth and comfort. Truly, the ability to harness fire in controlled forms is one of our greatest accomplishments as a species.

Fire is of the Wu, a topic of which I know next to nothing about. But if it did come down to picking one of the five Chinese elements, I'd favor Water, or maybe Metal. Those who know me might suggest that I'd be better off with Earth. Perhaps they are right.

Plant watered at zenith.
Winter, bulb closing, natural happening.
Always kept warm.
Always let it keep the light.
Access to the sunlight.
Change soil once a year, summer solstus.
Sick, losing it's glow.

torsdag 19. september 2019

Hello, autumn.

So, we meet once more. The temperature dropping, the early dark evenings, colors sprouting instead of green, and you bring out a thicker duvet. I love this time of year. Of course, it doesn’t help with certain people counting down to Christmas.

To be fair, I love most seasons – for the share variation they represent. Stagnation is a form of repetition of the familiar, isn’t it? Or a lack of change. No, I say – bring diversity, randomness, and happiness for all! Bit of too much a mouthful for a chant, though. This gives me an idea for a new character, too.

Oh, and take a look at the date, please. I know the hour stamp isn’t matching, but then again, nothing’s ever perfect, is it?

søndag 18. august 2019

That random fantastic and fabulous feeling when you meet strangers that are positive potential friends.

Well, I was working (as I have been doing this entire summer but for the odd day off now and then), it was a full moon week and a small happening called Midgardsblot not far from my home town. Yes, it’s as Viking themed as you can imagine, and metal music is a big part of it, too. Meaning I’ve got a year to gather some of the still-surviving clothes I used back in high school, back when I was a goth.

I’ll be going to next year’s Midgardsblot with the two people that started the previously described emotion, and I’m already hyped.

Of course, I have other preparations to do other than gathering a fitting wardrobe for the event, like listening to some of the bands that’s been on stage there.

I also read a very heartbreaking article online that I suggest you read, too. While it may be more relevant to some than others, I would recommend it to all. So, go ahead and read it.

As a result, I’m rolling up several (because I’m all for variation and have serious trouble sticking with only one character over time) Orc and Half-Orc Wizards. Keeping with the theme, it might be a character that likes loud music and constantly dresses in black. But pretty black dresses and robes of silk that they’re concerned about getting dirt upon.

Until next time, dear reader, all the love.

mandag 12. august 2019


- So how did you spend your Sunday?
- Well, I slept until around 19:30, watched some stuff on Netflix, watched a stream of a friend of mine concerning lots of cosplay and a random set up a visit that would involve going to Pride in the new city they'd moved to and then was transferred to another streamer of their choosing that I approved of, had a late night D&D session for fun with a couple of folks I know online, made some easy-to-cook dinner and had some beers.
- ...so, good times?
- Oh, yeah. Good times. Very good times.

tirsdag 30. juli 2019

Thursday is a lamp. Title.

A charming and lidless lamp, casting light through the naked bulb, not intrusive or off-putting.

Unless, of course, you're at a concert and just as you're about to leave you're being throat tackled by some uncivilized person to stone bricks falling on your back and smash your head. That is not cool.

No, I would never frequent such a place, but it happened to the spouse of a coworker of mine.

onsdag 10. juli 2019

Pride in my hometown

First time ever, too! 50 years since Stonewall, but the first of many to come, I hope.

Just finished writing the first draft of what might end up being my speech at the second one next year. Yes, I was that inspired, and it's important to share and care - we are all humans, and we should start learning to accept one another as such, too.

The turnout was great: about 400 people, good speeches (some filled with emotion and hope, others more technical and reminding that the fight is far from over), 25 degrees Celsius, not a cloud on the blue sky and an overall excellent Parade. Most of the people were young, I think 50%-60% were under the age of 30.

To me, it was a bit modest, being used to march in the one in the capital.

Should also note that I did not knew a soul going there, as people I had talked to was more on the fence showing up, and even if some of them did, I would be hard pressed to go over and say hello. Pride is more of a solitary experience for me. Sure, I'm part of the Parade, part of the happening, part of cheering on and smiling. But when I walk, I walk alone. Granted, at this stage I have my place in the Parade and most of those around me have I seen and greeted before (being part of a small subgroup tends to do that). Still, the experience is a very private matter to me.

On that regard, I'll publish a picture. I think this might be the first picture of myself I've shared with people here on this blog, at least personal. Pushing boundaries and challenging oneself, right?

Happy Pride.

torsdag 4. juli 2019

The joys of randomness.

"Sadly, he will not be saying anything right now, as he is smoking." (The character in question referred to is a droid that's just been shot to pieces.) "Yes, smoking is bad for you, kids - don't do it. Especially if you set yourself on fire as well; it's a terrible combination."

My friend, the youtuber. I kept running that part of the video over and over and over again, and the more I kept listening, the more it started to sound like Stephen Fry. Granted, my friend is NOT Stephen Fry (even though it would be awesome to be friends with him, too), but his delivery is on point. I'll link the video in question, so you can listen for yourself, if you'd want to. (The quote arrives at the 2:00 mark.)

mandag 1. juli 2019

Weird dream.

- Ever read Animorphs?
- Yeah.
- Remember those early books when all the info you got about the Hork-Bajirs and the Taxxon was that the Yeerks slaughtered their worlds and people?
- Yeah?
- This is what this feels like, only with a conscience.

The dream was much sneaking about, then at one point turned into a brawl with various cleaning implements and tools (also, I was in high heels). I think it started in a hallway library.

Sometimes it's hard to make sense out of what goes on in our sleeping minds.

torsdag 27. juni 2019

You're not alone.

One of the biggest statements to remember, or even realize, not even talking about acknowledge, is that you are not alone. It certainly holds true: many have gone through a similar transition as yourself, experienced hope, fear, absolution, relief, regret, terror and bliss. It's what makes us what we are. Not the sum of our emotions, but the sharing of them.

Being you is, well, often difficult. The world doesn't always approve, there's laws against what you, being you, can do and cannot do. A lot of countries even carries harsh punishments for being you, and being true to yourself. There's stigma, disgust, and basically any unpleasant emotion you can think about involved. You can't just brush that off as "some people", despite it being so tempting.

Sometimes, you have to fight.

Sometimes, being you, and not compromise that, is a win.

Sometimes, it doesn't feel like it.

A queer american fictional character once said that the definition of queer is like the price of oil: it changes every day. It might do. Also, it being a so american statement makes me flinch for using it as an example.

But we're here. And we won't go away. Because if we do, the world would be a poorer place to live in. Less color, less fabulous, less sparkling, less diversity, less including, and simply less.

Acceptance, even for something that is unknown to you; strange, weird, and queer, is important.

So, you're not alone. That's a comforting thought. You are not alone.

søndag 23. juni 2019

Fourth Exalted March

You meet the most wonderful people while at Pride.

Went to the capital Friday, spent some time walking around looking for a Body Shop - after checking in, of course; don't want to drag luggage around more than necessary. Took an early evening (or so I thought, until I realized how many hours I'd spent reading newly purchased D&D books), and woke up far too early only to continue from last night. After breakfast, it was time to get ready. No pics of the outfit (that I know of being posted). Sorry.

Marching in heels, even good shoe heels, took a toll once the day was over. (Only one blister!) But before that, I met someone. Someone wonderful. I asked them if they needed assistance, carrying two flags and a cardboard statement. I was allowed the rainbow flag, and thus kept waving that as I marched on with pride, staying close to them.

Post march, we spent some time in the Pride Park, waiting for a rapper. Enjoying time with an eight year old girl and her two mothers, and I was granted serious hope for the future of our race in terms of responsibility. Concert came and went, and something between that wonderful someone previously mentioned and myself had simply "clicked". No idea what it was, just that it did. They talked me into staying (or returning, as I was due back at the hotel for a much needed nap) and watch another concert with them. (Lazy Queen rocks!)

I am so glad that I did.

The rest of the evening was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. We also made plans to meet up the next day and have sushi. First time writing phone numbers on each other's arms, too. So nineties.

Another night passed without much sleep, so the morning was laying in bed reading even more D&D books (I bought a total of five). Had breakfast, and went back to bed with hopes of catching some sleep before check-out (only got one). Met up at the fountain (THE fountain in Oslo - ask me about it some other time), and took the subway to my now officially favorite place in the capital. Now I regret not knowing about it in advance, because I know a friend of mine that would have loved it during the visit last fall. And no pics, because that was not allowed.

Spent over an hour inside in the embracing darkness of the tomb of Emanuel Vigeland. (In a gloomy space, he covered walls in fresco paintings of naked human figures.) Also it's only open on Sundays.

Took the subway back to the center of town, entering your classical British bar for a beer (our restaurant of choice had not yet opened), then sushi. And oh, what sushi! Salmon, tuna, lots of white ones and something I cannot recall that melted in the mouth - that one was burgundy red.

Ended up discovering a second blister on my other foot after all that walking. Still, would not trade this weekend for anything!

Thank you for being awesome.

fredag 21. juni 2019

Potential song?

Hung out to dry
By a hetero sexual male
Perfumed towels
A surprise treat

Walking into the bathroom
Late at night
Sensing a smell
Of a calming fragrant man

Hung out to dry
Smelling oh my my

Reach out
Touch it
Reach out
Touch it

Hung out to dry
Smelling oh my my

søndag 19. mai 2019

Eurovision 2019 Results:

A few thoughts.

First, Sweden was beaten. As a Norwegian, that’s very important. Don’t worry, we’re still the best of frenemies.

Second, we got an automatic spot slotted for next year, having swoon into the final (this one and the next one) with ease, landing us on the fifth place. That’s always nice.

Third, we got the most popular votes (a total of 291), despite the fact that the more professional jury only saw it fit to grant us a total of 47 points, making it a nice and round 338. Sometimes, people are not so bad.

Fourth, as such, if it had been on the popular vote alone, we’d have won. Bit bitter about that. A bit, but not enough to tarnish the joy of the existing accomplishment. Not by much, anyway.

Fifth, I only watched this because I was at work and the television was on (with other people in front of it, watching with intent and intensity).

søndag 5. mai 2019

Revenge of the Fifth.

So, two people in good spirits arrive together, one of them in a wheelchair, and the other one walking.
"I hate beating up people in wheelchairs, but I'll do it if I have to."
The reply: "You can certainly try!"
Sometimes, life imitates art, and friendship truly is magical.

Also, CR C1 E114 remains emotionally affecting to this day.

lørdag 4. mai 2019

Kokoa kokoon koko kokko. Koko kokkoko? Koko kokko.

Let me tell you a true story. Previously, I didn't want to have children because I was afraid of putting another version of myself on the planet. Now, a bit older, a bit wiser and a lot more content and happy with myself than what I was back then, I hold to the same conclusion, but with a different reasoning: the environment crisis.

I think it's deeply unfair to put another being on this planet without a better hope for the future of said being, and they way things are headed, it's not looking so good.


The bees are dying. Blame the 5G network. That's army classified potential weaponry with those wavelengths. Not very good for us humans, neither.

Increased and increasing extreme weather, with more on the horizon come the foreseeable future.

The lack of will to do something about it inhabited in most politicians, and those that take the issue seriously enough are too few and far between.

I actually think I have some form of climate anxiety. Google it. I'll wait.

Glad I never did bother to take the driving license, as I now can use it for an argument to travel by public transport, be it bus or train. Not that I don't use it a lot, but still - most of the locations I can walk to, as they are located in the near vicinity of my place of living. No, I don't own a bike at present. Why do you ask?

Oh, and don't get me started on fossil fuel topic.

I could link a bunch of other pages in this blog post, but seriously - if you can't find anything about this already on your own (and you don't even have to dig deep), you should consider yourself no longer a worthy acquaintance of mine.

So, no, I don't want to have children.

May the Fourth be with you.

fredag 8. mars 2019

One of celebrating the International Women’s Day.

So, the most curious thing happened to me while at work today – I was invited to join by an all-girls group of friends doing what I only can assume where in town for leisure and pleasure. Now, how is this magnificent, you might ask – and you’d be right to do, so, too! However, this was the first time such an offer was given to me in this setting, and I’d like to go on a little bit more over it.

Sparking two conflicting emotions within me, I was forced to choose between my formal professionalism as an employee, and as a woman asked to join friendly enjoyment in general.

I cannot tell if the invitation was a polite courtesy, a way of saying thanks for the aid I already had provided them during their stay, or a sincere offer of potential friendship.

In the end, I chose the former approach and told them that, unfortunately, I had plans for the evening. This was both because it would be the most correct way of approach (to me, at least, I know of others that would jump on the “yes, please” option without as much as a thought), and because I’ve got D&D scheduled to start one hour after I end my shift. I cannot help but wonder if their offer still stands tomorrow, as they’re staying for the weekend.

Totally Sex and the City girl gang vibe from them, too.