mandag 30. september 2024

Old datascroll found in House Edelving.

Chapter one.

This is the tale of the five heroes, let forever their names be blessed. Ryna Dadida Edelving and his steed, Flamebringer. Noble Jurnog nele Forrageeh and her mount Saltwater. Musin of Bakbak am Komf with the Spirit of Spite. N.O.R.A. (Nominal Operating Response Assistant) the NHP assigned to Aura and the flock of machine drones. The last was Ella and Polaris, bloodsworn to Ryna and protector of Flamebringer.

On the evening of the 18th day of the second month in the year of Starfish when the moons were both dark, with neither Riversong nor Firedark visible on the night sky. The stars were cold and distant, hidden beneath rolling clouds. It was too early for frost in the grass.

It began with a single line in the sky. It could have been a large piece of machinery, having fallen from the in-orbit satellite construction platform. In the days of expansion, such happenstances were uncommon, but known to happen by accident. Alas, it was not so.

The line split. First into two, then into four, then into eight. Another line, far away, appeared before it too began to split up. Always in eight. Light followed them as they burned into the atmosphere.

One line of eight fell around Fjellheim.

Another around Bakbak am Komf.

And a third towards Bitterhause.

The war had come to Danslo, and with it, the landing of the Sky Demons.

Of the five, only Ryna Dadida Edelving knew what would happen if they failed to rally the forces and defend the capital. He and Ella, veteran LANCER pilots, had fought with the enemy before. They stood with Fjellheim and the basin. And with them stood Jurnog nele Forrageeh with her Calendula mech Saltwater. Untested in battle, but brave in spirit, and united in cause.

Amongst the clans, Musin did not lead the charge against the invaders, but when he returned, he did so alone, bearing not only news, but also information. Information that lead to the construction of Spirit of Spite and a dozen other Manticores. Because of Musin, Bakbak am Komf was saved from total annihilation, and the surviving warriors, united in purpose once more, marched South to do battle with the enemy.

From Bitterhause there was no word sent, but three days after the initial landing of the invaders, a single representative arrived at the city of Fjellheim. It was an NHP piloted mech and a host of drones, all under the command of the entity that called itself NORA. The mech and the host of drones all had names, yet only NORA knew them all, and spoke only of a few of them.

Five heroes, united for the first time on the remains of the still-burning fields before Fjellheim.

The valiant Ryna Didadi Edelving and fiery Flamebringer, bringing fire and flame to the enemy.

The noble Jurnog nele Forrageeh, the last of her broken branch, and knightly Saltwater, provider of song and comfort.

The bloodsworn Ella and blood dripping Polaris, drowning foes in rivers of blood.

The entity NORA inside Aura and the host of named drones, flying through the air clad in metal.

The clanless Musin who took no title and the Spirit of Spite, sparkling with the rage of the very earth beneath.

Not a single first landing Sky Demon returned after setting foot on Danslo.

What came next is the day forever remembered as the Day of the Sky Demons as the second invasion force was deployed.

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