søndag 1. september 2024

Kihn-Ae le'Foergee, 18, Kalterborn Academy, planetside Danslo, Tantssvir system. (A LANCER STORY.)

 Kihn-Ae le'Foergee remembered the first time she experienced rain. It was the first time she had been planetside. Stepping out of the shuttle, taking a deep breath, feeling the water hitting her face, taking note of how different it was. The smell, the texture, the strange freshness of it. Kihn-Ae, having spent her entire life up to this point aboard a space station, the Zemler Hold Starbase on Firedark, felt foreign to this world. If such a small thing as water from the sky hitting your face, what else was in store for her down here?

The journey from Yellow Chair Landing was uneventful. Kihn-Ae would have described it differently. The vast open space, the color of the sky and the ground, the sound the rain made against the shuttle before it took off, all unfamiliar to her. Sooner than she expected they were flying over Fjellheim, the capitol of Danslo, where the Kalterborn Academy was located. It would be her home for the next year or so. Assuming she survived.

As the day came to an end Kihn-Ae felt tired, both inside and the outside. The gravity of the planet was a bit more than first expected - her muscles were screaming from the pull and additional wear and tear. As for information, the constant bombardment of sensory input seeking to overwhelm her. She knew training would be hard. She was already standing out due to her height. Most spaceborn were tall and could be described as lanky, but she was far from spindly, having been trained since childhood to be able to step on planets without artificial aid. Slim and sleek underneath her matt black clothing, unruly dark brown hair, piercing green eyes, and an expression that gave resting bitch face a new interpretation - Kihn-Ae knew she was not beautiful, but beauty had never been her goal. Form and function over aesthetics. Practical. Just as her heraldry would be - pure black.

The le'Foergee family was not considered proper nobility. An off-shoot from the now extinct nele Forrageeh bloodline, her ancestors had been in charge of building what eventually would become the Zemler Hold Starbase. Back then it had been Lightbase 1 to 8. Before the Bombardment. Before the attempted invasion. Now only Zelmer Hold Starbase stood where Lightbase 4 had once been, named for the man who hold the line against the invaders. A local, a simple man, not of the blood, had risen and taken control of the defenses. His sacrifices had let the few remaining people to hold out on Firedark as one by one, the other Lightbases grew dark and unresponsive. His daughter married the son of the last member of house nele Forrageeh, and declared that their descendants would forever hold the name le'Foergee and be considered apart from the main bloodline. At the time there was no longer any prominent house nele Forrageeh members alive to object.

Kihn-Ae wondered if anybody outside of scholars even remembered house nele Forrageeh. Her fellow students would not care, and to them she was simply Blacklight. 

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