fredag 30. september 2022

An accidental Raven Guard character...

So, I play D&D (5e) and Pathfinder (not 2.0) regularly. As an altoholic, I have a tendency to come up with characters from various images where a character would be portrayed.

Now, as of late, I've been going over the Shadowfell, its inhabitants, locations, creatures and lore. Yes, I'm a massive fan of the Raven Queen, and I'm fairly certain that predates the time I got around to watch Critical Role, but that's beside the point.

Anyway, I was going through my list of character images for potential characters, came across an old one, checked the character sheet, and decided to redo most of said character (I kept the name as I liked it). Cue my recent Shadowfell facination, and I made a said character born there.

Let me walk you through the process. Said picture had a warrior in what I determined was of the breast plate armor, a greatsword, and a bow and a quiver of arrows at the back. For class, I decided to go Ranger, and figured that the Gloom Stalker Conclave would fit come level three. As a human, I made her variant and took the Shadow Touched feat. For stats, I decided on point buy (you increase your stats until you hit 27 points). None of the backgrounds really fit, so I browsed homebrew on D&DBEYOND and found the Shadowtouched background. Favorite foe, favorite terrain, stats, skills, tools, languages and equipment doesn't really matter that much besides the fact that I went with Stealth and had bonuses for hiding in shadows.

Here is where it gets overlapping with Warhammer 40k. Do you know of the Raven Guard? They're basically the sneaky bunch of the Space Marines, wearing heavy armor, shooting things from afar, and obviously have weapons for the glorious melee that's bound to happen.

So, yeah. This is when it dawned on me that I had just made an accidental Raven Guard set in a fantasy D&D setting.

Oh, her name? Estra Gloomstrider. This was before I got into Warhammer 40k, and knew about the Gloom Stalker sub-class for Rangers, too.

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