I could go on about how meeting others like me was strange - at first it was a bit terrifying - but then people were so accepting. What I enjoyed most the last weekend was how normal everything was.
And how glad I am for it.
It hurts, at first. Then it doesn't. The millions subjected to change.The transcendence of not just a fate woven by forces outside of control. Still, there's something familiar with this place.
Just like going back to the sunbathed city I learned to know so well, fully knowing that this isn't just a stop on the road to somewhere else, but that this is home. I've got friends living there. The education I'm working on has an offer at a nearby university within the vicinity of public transportation. Former co-workers who's turned out to be friends and a job that would welcome me back with open arms if I asked kindly.
I find myself without a person to hold on to and sleep next at.
I find myself content with my present relationship (or lack of such).
Yes, I do got a special somepony.
To be frank, I can't call others "my special somepony" because doing so would be lying.
As I try to be an honest person, or at least as much as I can...
I don't like lying, deceiving and dishonesty.
I'm not going to tell you about my special somepony.
It's not my place.
And that's all there is to say about that.
People seek out different things. I was never one to go clubbing. I was one to sit in the sun with a drink of chilled, sparkling water in a tall glass pretending it was champagne. At least while I wrote this.
I got to say hello to the bartender I had a crush on, too. I still like her. She's the kind of person I'd like to marry (if it turns out I'm the marrying kind). Not sure what my special somepony thinks about that - it's not something we've talked about. Marrying, I mean.
I'm going back to the place where I feel I belong.
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