tirsdag 30. januar 2024

I am enough ♥

Friday: Plane delayed, luggage quick to arrive, nomi sign at the meeting area. I shall not share the recording. Car trip back "home", cuddle on the Big Yellow Monster, tajine by Sugar, then early to bed (21:00) for me, then being woken up after midnight with very little sleep afterward.

Saturday: Town visited after a prolonged morning in bed. Church visited, local nerd and geek stores, purchases, pizza without beer dinner (I had pineapple on mine, of course), nap and then the main event: Steinbruch-Theater. Outfit: leather and black (still miffed to discover I had forgotten to pack lipstick), collar and neckless, blood red nails.

Sunday: Late out of bed, leftover dinner for breakfast. Sharing, talking, emotions, seeing the first episode of the 2022 Anne Rice series - thoughts: adapted to the modern audience. Spice loved Helluva Boss.

Monday: Packing after another almost about sleepless night. Slow and late start. Hot water shower. Part of me wants to stay and live here. Spice and I had our first official date, and stayed at a lovely apartment much larger and more modern than mine.

Tuesday: Leaving. Shared shower, well intended feedback to the nice apartment owner, stress at the airport, my fault. First time Starbucks experience.

torsdag 25. januar 2024


"First thought: Googling the name on the signature is wild. I'd been expecting a portfolio like Silverfox5213, or at worst like Ookami Kemono, but the foxbun there is in many ways the complete tonal opposite of this guy's current output.
I say this mostly with a kind of surprised bemusement, but I also seriously doubt buff bara characters, macro/micro, inflation, living pool toys, etc are at all what you'd enjoy seeing, so if you are tempted to google anything then go visit SilverFox's page and pretend that's the artist you stumbled on instead.

As for the piece itself: Interesting hybrid. It does make me wonder about the parentage it implies - red foxes and rabbits don't get along nearly as well as Zootopia fans like to imagine they do. Though I imagine the red fox would be happy with either arrangement.
Still, it's adorable.
Well-drawn, stylized yet still evocative, and uses the linework really well to give a sense of this thing being soft and fluffy. The paintbrush tail is an odd choice, compared to a fox's normal dipstick and a rabbit's vertically divided two-tone (neither of which have any black spots), but it looks cute and I kind of like it anyway.
The ear-browns could also stand to cover more space, though this is just me insisting upon a personal preference - the amount of brown fur on a red fox's ears is a percentage that's difficult to stylize properly, and it also varies between individual foxes, so just the tips like on the bun here does end up as an equally valid choice to the complete brownbacks I'd prefer.
And the most insignificant nitpick of all: The muzzle splotch usually covers a fox's whiskers. Neat that the artist remembered to draw those (most don't), but it is odd to see them displaced like that."

"What I enjoy from your replies is how long they are, how well thought out they are, and the dept of your knowledge. Thank you.

Permission to use your answer for a blog post?" 

"I'm not sure how much there is really blog materal, but go ahead.
Though if you do, I've got one slight correction to offer regarding the muzzle markings: A red fox's whiskers do start at their brown splotch, but the area from which they sprout usually extends out past it and into the white bits of their snout. Saying that it's fully contained in that area, as I did earlier, isn't entirely right.
(And if you want another detail to comment on: The wide blue eyes are a bit of a departure from a red fox's brownish ambers and slit pupils. It does help make the color palette less uniform, though, which is a good bit of artistic license to take.)"

Context: this entire  conversation is a response after I shared a picture with a friend of mine, and I very much wanted to share it (my words are the white on purple). On that note, said picture is what you can see here, and if you'd want more of said artist, here's some links.





lørdag 6. januar 2024

I'm singin' and dancin' in the cold.

 And indeed I was! Minus 20 degrees Celsius , snow more than one and a half meter, skipping, dancing, humming and singing and celebrating life and love and happiness after a silent shift at work... My gods, if I wasn't already in love, that'd do enough to boost my mood to the very top.

This new year have me grinning and enjoying myself and hugging others and going squeee! Context: I am in love. Perhaps I should tell you a bit more about that.

Allow me to introduce Spice and Sugar. Spice is the sexy librarian, and Sugar is the word-wise translator. I'm not allowed to flirt with Sugar, so good-looking compliments must come from a point of friendship. You guessed it, Spice is the one where romantic emotions are soaring and intertwining.

It's a joy feeling like a teenager with a crush but with the knowledge of past experiences. Reveling in the sensation, but tempering it with the wisdom of age. Gods, I'm happy.

As Gene Kelly sang: "I'm ready for love."