Notes, on an instrument, trying at first, skilled as learned hands finds their way. A winter sun is rising to the noise. Pale blue rays of frost sparkles in dim yellow sunlight. Seagulls in silent flight. A building, nine storages tall, reflecting the end of the day. Anticipation. The green of the forest does not intrude. Soft, rolling hills. The shade becomes cold. Why is white the dominating color? Building blocks of stone. The woods, the water, the stone sky. What is freedom of movement? What return to darkness remains heralded? The cold comes creeping. The blue, the green and the almost white. Where are you? Hours pass. A boat is seen traveling in the distance. The mountain's shadow makes itself known. Blurred music in the background. The urge to pee is rising, the subsides after relieving. The moment between moments. Distorted. Bells from the flag pole. What's next? Servant of snakes. Purple comes. Noise and light pollution in the night. And then it arrives in blood orange red.
The moon is a mysterious mistress indeed. The shivers from changing position stops. Calm wind. Somewhere bellow, the party starts. I have no intention of joining.