A hundred years later, R./Nomi signed off, with some reluctance, the first experienced and personal polyamorous experienced befit of the writer of this blog. Yet it is not a time of mourning for the readers.
Details won't be shared. French chocolate won't be handed out.
Today is a day of sorrow, regret, and acceptance, tempered with respect and serenity. No matter what else it would bring before you, remain respectfully, please. Thank you, in advance, for your courtesy.
You may not know of what I speak. You may know of what I speak.
But remember - sometimes silence and comfort prevails.
My regrets are mine, and as such my mistakes. Blame nobody else for failures that does not belong to you, nor heartaches you should not take upon yourself lightly.
Ya lublu tebya, minikin.
Jeg elsker deg, V.
I love you, my little Tori.
Until we meet again.